Monday, March 10, 2025

group meeting part 2!

 Hey Cambridge I’m back I'm so excited to tell you all about how my 2nd group meeting went, so here we go!  Audrey’s film Silenced is a psychological drama about a guy who thinks he’s a good person until he realizes he’s not. A mysterious "Red Guy" puts red duct tape over people’s mouths, but it turns out he’s just a hallucination. The film explores freedom of speech and self-awareness. Inspired by Cabaret, Audrey even composed her own music! She had some filming challenges but worked through them. For her CCR, she’s planning fun street interviews like Billy on the Street as her inspiration! 

Sergio’s film follows a medical student with a serious illness that weakens his muscles. To fight back, he becomes obsessed with powerlifting. Over time, he starts to love it beyond just doing it to try and survive. The film has a dark, intense vibe, inspired by The Batman. He’s using visual storytelling instead of explaining things directly and even composed his own classical music. His CCR will be a self-interview. 

Oona’s film Obession is about a girl training for a competition who gets injured and has to rely on family and friends to recover. It’s a story about perseverance and growth. She’s already finished filming and editing and is now planning a creative CCR, possibly a Wired Autocomplete Interview style. 

Lastly, we have Maria’s film. Her film follows a girl who mysteriously disappears after getting involved in a drug scandal, but the details don’t add up. So, they need a determined investigator who won’t give up on finding the truth. The film uses low lighting and a bulletin board of clues to set the mood, though keeping the board in place was tricky! For her CCR, she’s thinking of answering random questions from a jar. 

As for my project, my group gave me an idea for a name for my film, and so I took their advice and named it "20 Questions." If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have gotten the kind criticism I needed to make my project as good as possible.

Here's a picture from my group meeting where we shared so much amazing advice and critique! 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

types of lighting!

 The lighting in my project will play a big role in setting the mood and showing Addie’s emotions throughout the film. In her bedroom, her color-changing lamp will help create different feelings and portray different emotions depending on the scene. The light may be a gentle pink or purple when she first receives the mysterious text, showing her excitement and curiosity. The color may change to blue or become a little dimmer to reflect her feelings if she starts to feel anxious or uncertain about what's happening. This will help to tell the story without using words and give her bedroom a more personal feel. 

Depending on Addie's location during the film and her mood, the lighting downstairs will change. The living room's mid-level lighting will create a warm, inviting atmosphere that is perfect for her to unwind in while she thinks about the texts. The white marble counters in the kitchen will reflect more light, making the space feel open and light. The scene will seem more realistic if she switches on a light as she moves around. The house's lights can be dimmed and brightened to help control the mood and add tension or comfort to certain moments. These lighting changes will make the film feel more natural and more interesting to look at on screen. 


An image of the lamp with the perfered lighting i will use in my film

group meeting part 2!

  Hey Cambridge I’m back I'm so excited to tell you all about how my 2nd group meeting  went,  so here we go!  Audrey’s film Silenc...