Monday, February 17, 2025

My characters development!

 Hiii Cambridge I'm so excited to show you guys all my character development for my project. I hope you like it! So, for my character Addie, she is an average teenage girl who likes to be by herself but also likes new experiences and likes to be with her friends. She prefers relaxing at home rather than going out most of the time, which is why her costume and setting are very important in creating her character. She wears casual clothes like leggings and a hoodie or sweatpants and a hoodie, never anything too fancy unless she's out with friends, but usually just something cozy that is really comfortable. These decisions reflect her character and her personality a lot. She is very easygoing, a little reserved, but still interested in normal teenage girl activities. She doesn't try too hard to impress people but still has her little group of friends, but that does not mean she is not interested in romance like the rest of them. Her interactions with the mystery text reveal that she is both anxious and excited. She really wants to know who this person is, but she is afraid of being disappointed by who is actually behind the screen. The thought of not knowing who's texting her excites her, but it also makes her second guess if this is a prank or if this is real and the guy actually likes her.

Her house also plays a big role in showing how she feels throughout the entire film. In her room is where she feels the safest, but as the conversation with the mystery guy continues, she moves, possibly pacing up and down the stairs when she is anxious or sitting in the living room when she is deep in her thoughts about what's happening. She might stop in the kitchen to eat a snack or to rest against the counter while she contemplates what's going on in her situation. The long tracking shots and zoom-ins on her phone and facial expressions show her emotions without needing much dialogue to portray how she's feeling. The scene feels realistic and more relatable because of the background noise, like her nails tapping on her phone and the buzz of a new text.

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group meeting part 2!

  Hey Cambridge I’m back I'm so excited to tell you all about how my 2nd group meeting  went,  so here we go!  Audrey’s film Silenc...