Saturday, February 1, 2025

intro to my movie!

Hiiii whoever is reading my blog post, I'm going to try to make this as interesting as possible LOL. Im so excited to put all my knowledge and skills i have learned throughout my aice media experience to showcase everything i have to offer and to show everyone how i can be at something I am so very passionate about which is film. Starting off, my initial plan is to create a movie starring a teenage girl that gets a mysterious text from a random number from another teenager who claims to be in her math class and has a crush on her. Instead of him revealing his true identity he asks her to play a game of 20 questions to make her find out who he is. The character is going to be both excited and nervous during this questioning online interaction. I would like to maybe film this in a house with the folliwng locations like a kitchen, living room, bedroom and stairs. To set the scme for my movie i would possibly do various shots like long tracking shots, zoom ins of the phone and facial expressions, and subjective point of view shots starring the protagonist. 


With this project my intentions are going to to be to be able to make a relatable scenario that appeals to a teenage target audience which the following average teen has probably experienced something similar to this in their life. in a teenager's life a lot of communication happens via text or online and i think this will make this the most modern example for teenagers silly and shy love life in high school. I really hope with all my ideas in mind i can portray this movie to be exactly like the image i have made in my head. Byeee for now Cambridge talk to you later!!! 

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question 4 CCR!

Hey Cambridge! For this blog post, I wanted to share the script for my second CCR, which focuses on how my product uses or challenges conven...