Heyy Cambridge I’m back I'm so excited to tell you all about my amazing group meeting. We started off with Sofia as the first person we talked to in my group. In her mystery-comedy, a girl tries to figure out why her sister vanished, but no one takes her seriously. To bring out the comedy part while keeping the excitement of the mystery, she wants to use vibrant lighting and costumes. It will be interesting to watch how she is going to keep a good balance between the two genres without letting one overpower the other.
The next person we talked to as a group was David. He wants his movie to look like a vintage film/Older style film, but he doesn't have a specific plot yet. To bring out the visuals in his film, he plans to use master shots, long shots, and very bright lighting. It might be difficult to keep people interested without a story, but I think once he develops a plot and figures out what he wants to do it could look really cool and be a great film!
The third person in our group was Gabriel.His film genre is action. He wants to make a film about a spy in the Southwest who has to kill someone. In order to highlight the situation and give the world a sense of reality, he is going to use lots of long and establishing shots. His idea seems like a really good one, and the setting might help make it more dramatic, and I think his film will be really amazing if he uses all the advice our group gave him.
Last but not least we have Santago in His film he is making a suspense horror with lots of running, tracking shots, and dark lighting. In order to keep the creepy environment, he wants to use only two or three lighting arrangements. His use of lighting and movement, in my opinion, will give his movie a spooky, intense vibe which will definitely keep viewers hooked.
Overalll I think my group had many good ideas and gave me some good ideas to portray. The best project I could possibly make. Bye for now cambridge!!
Here are some pictures from the day i discusesd all of this with my group.
Here are my notes from what my classmates said
My group setup discussing all our ideas.
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